
Parents/Guardians Sign Up for Operoo Today!

At this time, it is especially important for school communication to reach all of our dolphin families. It is important parents/guardians register on Operoo. We will be using the Operoo system to stay connected, as it is vital for updates to the digital version of the Blue Card Emergency Contacts and Media consent forms. 


Operoo Logo with purple letters

What is Operoo?
The Operoo system makes it very easy for you to respond to digital communications, such as school forms, surveys and keep your Emergency Contact Information (digital version of the Blue Card) current and up-to-date, using your mobile phone, tablet, or PC.

Emergency Contact (Digital Blue Card)
Our school’s first and most important task with Operoo is to have 100% of our families registered to begin sending out messages over the summer.

Once you complete this form, we will let you know what forms need to be updated in September.  You can come back at any time, on a rolling basis, to update the Emergency Contact form as information changes. This will replace the annual practice of distributing and collecting the hard copy version of the Emergency Blue Contact Card. 

I haven't registered, and/or don’t have an account yet / I forgot my login information.
If you have not registered with Operoo yet, you do not need to do anything until you receive an email invitation asking you to sign up for your Operoo account. You will begin to receive emails starting July and Operoo will automatically send daily registration emails to unregistered parents & guardians until registration is completed. Once you receive the email with your registration code, please log on to Operoo Opens in a new browser tab , click “Sign-In” and then enter your specific code.

The password will need to be typed directly and not copied. As a security measure, you will be required to change your password the first time you sign in. If you know you have not registered with Operoo or you have not seen any registration emails, please reach out to Ms. Santaliz at nsantaliz@schools.nyc.gov Opens in a new browser tab .  Note: Operoo is currently only intended for Parents/Guardians. Students will not be given access. 

How and when you can contact me?
Any questions or concerns can be addressed via email at nsantaliz@schools.nyc.gov Opens in a new browser tab .